Thursday, January 21, 2010

A[n assuredly teary] Farewell

There are many issues going on in my life. My family is topsy turvy, I feel alone and disconnected from those around me, and I finished watching the first season (and therefore entire series) of Firefly and now feel rather down as I feel like there will never be a TV show nearly as well-written, frantic, nor brilliant such as those 14 diamond-esque episodes created by Joss Whedon. The previous sentence probably speaks the truth anyway; I doubt there's anything that'd beat Firefly. Serenity could possibly equal it. Maybe. 

But today, I don't want to write about that. No, I want to dedicate this post to one Benjamin James Reed. It's not likely that Ben will Reed this blog (< u c wut i did thar?), nor that he would really care if he were to do so, but I feel it appropriate to do so anyhow. I've known Ben since the fourth grade, but only really became friends with him in the fifth, I think. Suddenly a few days ago a whole bunch of us find out that Ben's leaving for some reason. I can tell you it took most, if not all of us by surprise.  I'm not going to drag this on because then it'd be like a eulogy; that would be rather disconcerting. I'm going to miss Ben, that's pretty much how I can sum it up. He's a sane person in an insane world. Somehow, admirably, Ben manages to fit in with all sorts of cliques, whether it be the underestimated, the modest, the popular; yet he retains his brains. That's why I know he'll do fine in Perth.

I'll admit I don't know Ben nearly as well as I did two years ago. What I do know of him is that he hasn't changed all that much, apart from doing what teenagers do: he's still hella-tall, he's a fantastic cricketer, his back is always getting injured, he has an undying love for loud music and instruments, he's a hell of a lot more intelligent than he prefers to admit and overall he's a damn good friend to cap it all off.

I wish you good luck in that far-off land of bogans, Ben. Later bro, we'll all miss you.  

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

People are the root of every problem.

My life is about to change. For better or for worse. I don't know yet. It's a two-sided coin, yet the "good" side is still plagued with a decent bit of bad. Why? Because some people just don't get it. They just don't understand that they are simply going along with the system. They are living their lives so that I can live my life, instead of living their lives for themselves. People just don't understand. 

I haven't revealed much, but I'm posting this because, well, no one will read it, and I need to write about it somewhere, lest I spontaneously combust within the next 48 hours or so. 

Something that really disappoints me is that when you have a vision of people as flawless, or at least as people with integrity and values, they simply show you up later. All people are flawed. I suppose when one makes few mistakes in life, the mistakes they do make are even bigger. This is all vague, yeah. 

Look forward to some happier posts in future, guaranteed. I'm sorry that my first post must be so grim, but I suppose it's all for the better, considering no one will read it. 


P.S. I got a label maker. Epic funsies.